The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

Previous Post: I saw this trailer in theatres only once and it was months ago, but I have been obsessing over it ever since. I loved this book, and before we get all Twilighty about it check out the teaser trailer below and THEN tell me you don't want to see this movie!

Holy science fiction Batman! CAN'T WAIT!

Follow Up: Not too bad.  Not mind blowing, but decent.  This movie didn't get great reviews, but it definitely wasn't as bad as some of the critics made it out to be.  And I'm starting to get sick of Rotten Tomatoes hating on certain films like John Carter and Wanderlust, which were AWESOME, and then trying to tell me that I should love Moonrise Kingdom.  I don't get it Wes Anderson, I guess you were just too subtly witty for me this time.  The Royal Tenenbaums and Bottle Rocket are two of my favorite movies, but no, you're right, I must just not get it. 

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is see The Host and decide for yourself.

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