... And the Worst

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Oh no you didn't.  You Did Not.  One of my favorite series of books flushed down the toilet by this movie.  There are no words to describe how much I hated this adaptation. Why... just why?

The Running Man by Richard Bachman (aka Stephen King)
Could someone please explain to me how something like this happens?  I know it was the 80s and the time of the Schwarzenegger, but come on!  This book has everything The Hunger Games possesses, and it was written before reality TV was even a horrifying, well, reality.  This movie could have been awesome! 
I read this book a year or two ago and got so psyched when I realized it had been made into a movie, only to have my hoop dreams destroyed by this Terminator-fest.  Sad face. 

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